In Modi’s India, the Echoes of 1930s Germany Are Growing Louder

While Modi is gallivanting in the US, with Kamala Harris talking about the ‘Indian people’s commitment to democracy and freedom’ (such empty words), this is what is happening in Modi’s India:

“Hindu Mobs, anti-Muslim Boycotts: In Modi’s India, the Echoes of 1930s Germany Are Growing Louder

Modi is talking to world leaders about the threat of Islamist radicalization. But the real threat to India comes from a radicalizing Hindu majority fueled by the increasingly brazen, violent anti-Muslim bigotry of Modi’s own party.”

american priorities

for a poor country that can’t afford universal healthcare for its people, the US found 1 billion dollars for israel’s effing iron dome (meant to protect an illegal genocidal occupation). this is on top of the 500 million dollars we give them annually already. if this doesn’t get ur goat, nothing will. 420 members of congress voted yes, only 9 voted no. remember their names: cori bush, andré carson, chuy garcía, raúl grijalva, marie newman, ilhan omar, ayanna pressley, and rashida tlaib. just goes to show how this system is beyond repair, beyond electoral politics, beyond common sense. its corruption is absolute, its racism and colonial aggression foundational. it needs to go.

the met gala

i don’t have an opinion on AOC’s appearance at the met gala, but hey, do i have an opinion on the met gala itself. it is obscene. i just met a brilliant young woman the other day. she has three jobs (three!). one of them is teaching as an adjunct at columbia university. she’s in her early forties. she makes enough to just barely live in brooklyn and she’s constantly under stress because she has no health insurance. it’s criminal. and this isn’t even the worst of what this country offers. the rich are not rich because they work harder or are smarter, they’re rich because they know how to use/scam/milk a system that’s inherently unjust and meant to perpetually exacerbate inequities. i couldn’t care less for their antics or charity. they shouldn’t have that kind of money in the first place. eat the rich.

our new house

closed. this is the house folx. in setauket, new york. it took us 8 months to get here, in this ridiculous market. but here we are. can’t wait to move in, clean up, furnish and decorate. will be exciting to take our stuff out of storage after 1 1/2 years. may this house be as blessed as our last one – may it be filled with the laughter of family and friends alike. ameen.

we are lady parts

watched the first 4 episodes of ‘we are lady parts.’ wow. it’s one of the best shows i’ve seen. ever. nida manzoor (the writer, creator, director) is an absolute genius. how long have we (muslim/brown) women waited for something like this. can a show this creative and trope-free even be produced in america? i hope so. we need more.

Trailer for The Injured Body

Dear friends and fam, it is with immense pleasure and hope that I would like to share the official trailer for The Injured Body: A Film about Racism in America. I have been working on this documentary (inspired by Claudia Rankine’s poetry) for three years now. I have interviewed remarkable women and collaborated with incredible dancers. My closest partners in this project have been Rajesh Barnabas (cinematography, sound, post production), Mariko Yamada (dance choreography, costume design, translation between dance and film), Erica Jae (photography) and Tom Davis (music) – the most talented and kindest people on the planet. It has been an extraordinary, eye-opening, emotional experience. I hope that some of the beauty and brilliance we experienced while filming will come through in this short preview. I’ll finish editing by the end of this year and will be working with Don Casper on post-production early next year. Pls ‘like’ and comment on YouTube if you can. And pls share widely.

Coming in 2022, this…… is…… The Injured Body.

More info at

afghanistan <3

thinking about the people of afghanistan – their strength and perseverance in the face of unimaginable horrors and deprivations for 42 years. the soviets invaded in 1979 and left in 1989, this was followed by a cruel civil war, a taliban takeover that devolved into tyranny, and then a brutal american invasion and military occupation which lasted twenty years (2001-2021). as american troops leave, people’s lives have been thrown into a tailspin, once again. the taliban controlled most of the country anyway and now they are back in power. it’s 2001 all over again. and what does american imperialism (with all its talk of democracy and women’s rights) leave behind except for torture sites and malnutrition? nothing. kabul falls like saigon fell in the 1970s, and it’s up to the people of afghanistan to pick up the bombed-out shards of their lives. shame on all those who used afghanistan as a ploy for their great games, proxy wars, and neocon experiments. no more imperialism, war or military occupation. open all borders and allow people to move freely, wherever they feel safe. unequivocal solidarity with all our friends and neighbors in afghanistan who have suffered too much and for too long already.


back in montauk after some 20 years. it’s the eastern most tip of long island (a very long island indeed). a beautiful, beachy town with an iconic lighthouse, clam shacks, and ice cream parlors. we chose to eat at la fin, a wonderful french restaurant on the harbor. downtown east hampton has a manolo blahnik store btw, for those who are into that kinda thing, and lots of tanned people in spiffy clothes. with its grist mills, gorgeous beaches, and wind mills, this area is a lot like cape cod, but a notch fancier. remember the great gatsby? it was more than 80 F in the afternoon so decided to skip the hike in shadmoor state park. maybe next time. although the bottlenecks and slow traffic around east hampton did not appeal to the husband.

pakistan and india’s independence days

on pakistan and india’s independence days, i dream of a shift away from the gendered nature of colonialism and its legacies. an end to patriarchy, casteism, the oppression of minorities, capitalist greed and its inequities, and all structures of violence in south asia. more water and sustainability, more equality and justice, more comfort and happiness for all. one day, inshallah.

plymouth breakwater

today walked along plymouth breakwater (it protects plymouth sound/anchorages). not interested in plymouth rock, settler colonial myths, or all the pilgrim museums/statues but enjoyed walking along jenney pond all the way to the grist mill. this area is beautiful no doubt, but the blue lives matter flags are disturbing. the arrival of the colonizers is commemorated endlessly with no mention of the indigenous peoples who lived/live here and own this magnificent land. this historical narrative needs to be corrected. we know better.