Thomas Merton: Life is not to be regarded as an uninterrupted flow of words which is finally silenced by death. Its rhythm develops in silence, comes to the surface in moments of necessary expression, returns to deeper silence, culminates in a final declaration, then ascends quietly into the silence of Heaven which resounds with unending praise.
Category: misc/personal
Festival Finale: Celebrate Palestine
Celebrate Palestine
On Friday October 9, at 5:30 pm
At Asbury First UMC [1050 East Ave, Rochester]
Have you tasted homemade dolmas, lebneh or baklava recently? Are you familiar with Middle Eastern music? Would you like to learn the dabke? Celebrate Palestine is an evening of Palestinian food, music and culture, right here in Rochester. It’s a great opportunity to meet diverse people, connect with local Palestinians and engage in interesting discussions.
Please learn more and RSVP at We hope that you can join us!
cornell vs army
cornell vs army on oct 3, 2015: we didn’t win but it was a good game. it was cold and rainy so hot soup with bread was most welcome during halftime – thx to the football parents’ tailgate party. first loss for cornell this season but we’re expecting great things for their upcoming games.

Each friend represents a world in us
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
(Anaïs Nin, The Diary of Anaïs Nin, Vol. 1: 1931-1934)
across the universe
April 1, 2010
This was my favorite, favorite song when I was 10-12 years old or so… Played it 100’s of times… It may sound strange, but it helped me a lot as a child. I learned from it!
what did u learn from it? it’s a beautifully written song. to me it’s about the vastness, the thrill, the possibility of the unknown – the limitlessness of time and space captured in a paper cup, a letterbox. the divine and mundane are one and the same…
I think, basically, just a deep sense that the universe might not simply be an endlessly vast, empty, uncaring, unfeeling, expanse of Cartesian space, but could instead be seen as something that’s alive, something that we are connected to, involved in, and participate in. Ultimately, personally, this sort of perspective eventually led me to Zen Buddhism; but back then, it was enough of a start for me simply to feel that I wasn’t utterly alone, as I often felt in school back then…
yes, that’s what i meant by the divine and mundane being the same. it makes the universe, the future, less intimidating. we can make it our own, capture it, connect to it, thrill to it. it’s amazing that u could understand that, even abstractly, at such a young age smile emoticon
Well, I probably couldn’t have put it into words very well back then–it was more of a feeling, and it was something I was looking for (needing), and not finding anywhere else around me… Good old mainstream U.S. Midwest culture… smile emoticon
miss u ryan. good luck on meeting the vastness of the universe. u were too fine for this world. may u find peace in the comforting arms of galaxies, in the generosity of infinite time and space.
return to the root of the root of your own soul
heartbroken this morning. the world has lost a beautiful human being, an incredible mind and an even more incredible heart and soul. blessed to have known u dear ryan. may u rest in peace my dear friend. ur kindness and generosity, ur calm intelligence, ur love of justice and beauty, ur ability to connect with warmth and honesty, ur stunning humility, ur fine presence in the world will continue to shine. may ur family find strength and solace in that harmonious light. it has been an extraordinary honor.
Although you appear in earthly form
Your essence is pure Consciousness.
You are the fearless guardian
of Divine Light.
So come, return to the root of the root
of your own soul.
When you lose all sense of self
the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish.
Lose yourself completely,
Return to the root of the root
of your own soul.
(Maulana Rumi)

Inside Oliver Sacks’s Brain
the brain knows what it likes. so cool.
Can the power of music make the brain come alive? Throughout his career Dr. Oliver Sacks, neurologist and acclaimed author, has encountered myriad patients who are struggling to cope with debilitating medical conditions, including autism and Tourette’s syndrome. While their ailments vary, many have one thing in common: an appreciation for the therapeutic effects of music. NOVA follows four individuals—two of whom are Sacks’s case studies—and even peers into Sacks’s own brain to investigate music’s strange and surprising power over the human mind.
quebec or bust
off to quebec this afternoon: chateau frontenac, dufferin terrace, st lawrence river, quartier petit champlain, plains of abraham, chute-montmorency, limoilou, l’ile d’orléans, lots of french, and hopefully excellent food. so much to do and so little time. happy labor day weekend!
“Advanced Style” by Lina Plioplyte and Ari Seth Cohen
yes ladies, keep rockin it!
“Advanced Style” by Lina Plioplyte and Ari Seth Cohen – NOWNESS from NOWNESS on Vimeo.
back to school
A Thin Wall will be part of the 3rd i Film Festival in California
A THIN WALL has been selected to be screened at the 13th annual 3rd i Film Festival which runs Oct 22-25 in San Francisco, and Nov 1 in Palo Alto. The film will be part of the Palo Alto lineup on Nov 1st, and included in a program called ‘Voices of Partition’ – it will be followed by a panel discussion organized by the 1947 Partition Archive.
eid mubarik!
weekend at the lake
From The Parent’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents
Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is the way of foolishness.
Help them instead to find the wonder
and the marvel of an ordinary life.
Show them the joy of tasting
tomatoes, apples and pears.
Show them how to cry
when pets and people die.
Show them the infinite pleasure
in the touch of a hand.
And make the ordinary come alive for them.
The extraordinary will take care of itself.
(William Martin)
ramadan 2015
to step away from the material and focus on the spiritual, to share with others, to remember that many in this world must go hungry, and to be cognizant of and grateful for everything we have. ramadan mubarak everyone.