my day so far. with the beautiful Yvonne Colton, Rachel Anne and Isabelle Bartter <3
rochesterny #friendstime #flyingsquirrel #spotcoffee

my day so far. with the beautiful Yvonne Colton, Rachel Anne and Isabelle Bartter <3
rochesterny #friendstime #flyingsquirrel #spotcoffee
with kristin and pam last evening <3
my airbnb host is bonnie gloris, an artist, and her artwork is everywhere in the house. love it ?
bonniegloris #art #rochesterny
having breakfast in my own sunroom this morning:)
rochesterny #parkavenue #quietmorning
first stop in rochester: a meeting with aunty shafqat and her beautiful daughter, my dear friend ayesha. aunty shafqat knew and loved my nani and was one of my khalajaan’s closest friends. they were both professors at CB college (in pakistan) for decades, until they retired. grateful for so much love and wonderful history.
i love bridges.
spent the day w our daughter in manhattan
themeatballshop #italianfood #hudsonriverpark #manhattan #newyorkcity #lovenewyork #gratitude
just me and my best friend on labor day weekend. so we went to coney island:)
coneyisland #brooklyn #newyork #weekendfun
rochester fam, i am coming back to roc for a week! from sept 25 – oct 2. will be shooting b roll with the great Rajesh Barnabas, but let me know if u want to go for a walk or something and we will work around our filming schedule, inshallah. will be staying near park ave. can’t wait:)
bowen’s wharf and thames street. ice cream from sprinkles. our last day here in newport.
#newport #rhodeisland
yesterday we had ramen at boru noodle bar, on broadway. their crispy brussels sprouts were good but my daughter said the ramen simply didn’t compare to nyc.
ben and jerry’s for ice cream at 33 bannister’s wharf – way too crowded so we made a quick exit. today we went for a walk at fort adams state park. tried going to the beach but no parking.
this afternoon we drove along ocean drive and stopped along the way to take pictures. first we considered the breakers – one of the most over-the-top bellevue mansions. it was $78 for three people to visit. aitezaz and i had already seen it. so i showed a picture to my daughter and asked her if she wanted to visit a fake american version of versailles. she looked at the picture, turned and walked away, saying softly (as if it were the most sensible thing in the world): ‘eat the rich.’ lol. this is my child.
#newport #rhodeisland #oceandrive #newportmansions
i woke up at 5am so decided to go for a long explore. walked along bellevue towards casino terrace and then back to the hotel and in the other direction on touro street. everywhere an abundance of flowers, lovely fragrances and birdsong.
newport #rhodeisland
after relaxing at the wonderful hydrangea house, right in the middle of downtown newport on bellevue ave, we decided to do the famous cliff walk. the harsh daylight was beginning to soften. the sun was about to set. such gorgeous views.
#newport #rhodeisland #sunset #cliffwalknewport
#newport #rhodeisland