Books: Nostalgia compensates for a lost world

Rita Kothari has done great service in translating stories of Partition from Sindhi language, of which there has been no serious acknowledgment so far. This indeed has been the fate of the Sindhis themselves, who, although deeply affected by Partition, neither got to be heard significantly nor did they get any place of their own for their language and culture to flourish. Sindhis on either side of the border suffered various kinds of losses — material, psychological, and spiritual. Some of them get articulated in in this collection. Full article.

“We must rethink Afghanistan” by Mara Ahmed

my letter on the war in afghanistan and pakistan published in its entirety in city newspaper!!!

On the eighth anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, when a strategy shift is on President Obama’s table, it is essential to increase the pressure for constructive non-military solutions to stabilize Afghanistan and strengthen Pakistan’s fragile democracy. Read complete letter.

Vazira Fazila-Yacoobali Zamindar’s “The Long Partition”

a new book on the partition of india: A full “exchange” of minority populations was in fact negotiated only in the Punjab, but resettlement of evacuees, including pressure on “intending” migrants to give up property, became a mechanism, in both India and Pakistan, of state control over minorities. Full article.

film screening on september 11th at rochester museum and science center

As the annual observance of Ramadan comes to a close, the Rochester Museum & Science Center invites the community to explore Muslim traditions at a special presentation of the documentary film “The Muslims I Know” on Friday, September 11 at 5:30pm at the RMSC Strasenburgh Planetarium. Director, producer, writer and editor Mara Ahmed will present her film and lead a follow-up discussion. Full press release.

rochester’s 175 most empowered women

The Rochester Genesee Valley Club of National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Clubs Inc recognized women from all ethnic backgrounds to celebrate the city’s 175th anniversary. Women who helped improve living standards in the city in the areas of health, education, community service, business, religion, politics or government anytime from 1834 to 2009 were nominated. The club honored 175 nominees at an International White Glove Tea Party from 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 16 at Carey Lake Historical Party House and Rose Garden, 959 Penfield Road. I was one of the award recipients.

tea party and award ceremony