“The United States fared distinctly less well, coming in at 85th on the list, which placed us below both Cuba (72nd) and China (80th). The GPI also lists the world’s most violent country as Iraq, followed by Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan and Pakistan.” – not surprised about the usa not being that peaceful. many of the “most violent” countries on the list also owe much to the usa. wish there was a pre and post 9/11 list. american actions in the world have triggered much violence. Full article.
Category: misc/personal
Waving Flag – Official World Cup South Africa 2010 Theme Song
spring is here…
so beautiful in rochester – our weeping cherry, apr 23rd 2010:
ah, the trials and tribulations of fb…
The Sandra Bullock Trade
so what makes us happy? “The daily activities most associated with happiness are sex, socializing after work and having dinner with others. The daily activity most injurious to happiness is commuting.” full article.
DAWN – Sports minister announces rewards for female athletes
Pakistani athlete Naseem Hameed emerged as the fastest woman athlete in the South Asian Games. The 22-year-old entered her name in the history books of the South Asian Games when she clinched gold by leading eight runners in the 100-metre sprint to record her career-best feat at the Banglabandhu National Stadium in Dhaka. Full article.
BBC World Service – Mohammad Abbas, Pakistani Olympic Skier
Pakistan, for the first time ever, has fielded an Olympic skier. He is Mohammad Abbas and he comes from the Nalthar Valley, near Gilgit in Northern Pakistan. He’s a one man team and as a winter Olympic first-timer, it’s taken a certain do-it-yourself attitude to reach Vancouver. Full story.
Mr Deeds Goes to Town
didn’t know gary cooper was a babe and a half when he was young – check this out:
Isha Judd: The Illusion of Need
Observe your mind. Often you will find that when you feel something is lacking, and cannot rest until it has been attained, it is in reality an excuse to not be present. These are the tricks of your mind to keep you away from yourself. Full article.
fall 2009 – naples ny
Eunuchs beat professionals in cricket match
Perhaps for the first time in Pakistan’s recorded history, a cricket match was played between a transgendered team and professional cricketers – the transgendered team won! Full article.
Gay Scientists Isolate Christian Gene
Finger Lakes area is ranked first
The Finger Lakes region has been named the top lakeside retreat in the world by the editors of Shermans Travel. Full article.
canandaigua lake sunset – july 2009
We Are All Africans
Racial discrimination is perhaps the most superficial of all prejudices. And this is borne out not simply by an examination of the causes, but also by the scientific data surrounding our common ancestry. Full article.