the amazing amazing story of how one man rode a bike from germany to pakistan. more here.
Category: misc/personal
The limits of words
Things aren’t all so tangible and sayable as people would usually have us believe; most experiences are unsayable, they happen in a space that no word has ever entered, and more unsayable than all other things are works of art, those mysterious existences, whose life endures beside our own small, transitory life. (Rilke)
Welcome 2016
In my childhood, I was convinced that everything that went astray on earth ended up on the moon. But the astronauts found no sign of dangerous dreams or broken promises or hopes betrayed. If not on the moon, where might they be? Perhaps they were never misplaced. Perhaps they are in hiding here on earth. Waiting. (Eduardo Galeano)
To a better world – happy new year everyone!
At the Museo Nacional de Antropología

merry christmas 2015
our tree this year. merry christmas everyone!

Jasiri Xtra on Sandra Bland
Jasiri Xtra: My thoughts and prayers are with Sandra Bland’s family this morning. As Black people in America we have 2 choices, either we dismantle this wicked system of injustice or become a victim of it.
xmas lunch 2015
xmas lunch with my dearest friend sarita! so lucky to have known u for so many years.

birthday lunch
birthday lunch at branca’s with my girlfriend yesterday. yummy food and lovely company 🙂

the west coast is the best coast
some more pictures from the film festival in palo alto/san francisco and the wonderful time i had with my girlfriend huma!
cajun food on my birthday
this is me at the french quarter cafe where i had a bayou plate (fried okra in shrimp etouffee, with dirty rice) for dinner and, for dessert, homemade peach cobbler and beignets. nothing better than an ordinary, relaxing night out with one’s fam.

Poetry by Pablo Neruda – Poema 20
usually on my birthday, i post the universal declaration of human rights which was also born on dec 10, many years earlier. this year, i want to post something beautiful, passionate and stirring. the sensuous sounds of the spanish language given form and sustenance by the words of pablo neruda. always a treat.
composition with phoebe and autumn leaves
composition with phoebe and autumn leaves, by my daughter, fall 2015.

hunza valley, pakistan
Made in Pakistan from HunzaOnFoot on Vimeo.
thxgiving 2015
sumptuous thxgiving with my in-laws in NC. for lunch we had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, cornbread souffle, sweet potato casserole with toasted marshmallows, green beans and rolls. dessert included pecan, pumpkin and apple pies. dinner was played in a slightly different key and consisted of koftas, chicken tikka, jalapenos stuffed with a sweet and sour tamarind mixture, and spicy shrimp pulao. for dessert: warm gajer ka halwa, a la mode, of course. the joys of belonging to a diverse family and combining cuisines freely 🙂