Read The Miraculous True History of Nomi Ali

Still thinking about this wonderful evening and Uzma‘s book. Read ‘The miraculous true history of Nomi Ali’ and learn about “interventions of knowing” that subvert the colonial script. Learn about exile, imprisonment and resistance. From the book:
“She tries to remember colours, sunlight, the breezes that tease the crops of open fields. She tries to catch new rain on her tongue. She tries to remember the song of the koel. She tries to forget what she has left. This effort to remember and to forget comes like the waves she cannot hear but can feel, they are there, under her chains. If she could look outside, just once.”

Photograph by David Maine

#mcnallyjackson #seaportdistrictnyc #themiraculoustruehistoryofnomiali #uzmaaslamkhan #colonialhistory #alternativeknowing #decolonialhistory #exile #imprisonment #penalcolony #beautyofresilience #poweroflanguage

dinner last night

last night after the event @mcnallyjackson seaport in which we discussed ‘the miraculous true history of nomi ali’ by the incredible Uzma Aslam Khan. thank u to all the lovely friends who joined us and to my daughter who made it as well. a beautiful celebration of a unique and powerful book.

#themiraculoustruehistoryofnomiali #uzmaaslamkhan #mcnallyjackson #seaportdistrictnyc #decolonialhistory #decolonialhealing

book discussion at mcnally jackson seaport in nyc

dear friends in and around nyc, this is happening tomorrow evening at 7pm @mcnallyjackson seaport in ny. i cannot wait to discuss ‘the miraculous true history of nomi ali’ with uzma aslam khan. it’s an extraordinary book that restores to life forgotten histories. pls join us and be a part of the discussion. link to tickets here. hope to see u then!

on a day such as this…

on a day such as this, when a woman’s right to do as she pleases with her own body is taken away, what a pleasure to be in community with women. after dropping off my artwork at the huntington arts council, i had lunch with a friend from high school. the last time we met was decades ago in islamabad where we studied together for two years. she was one of the most brilliant girls in my class and unsurprisingly is now a brilliant doctor, with brilliant kids mashallah. i still remember the radical ideas we shared as very young women, the questions we had about accepted norms and precepts, how i read a lot of bertrand russell back then but also allama iqbal and the rubáiyát of omar khayyám. i still remember our discussions, activated by azra’s probing questions and skepticism. such thrilling times when our confidence was extreme and we could ace the world. maybe we still can. it’s just a matter of perception.

#friendsfromhighschool #womenfriends #friendshipisagift #womenempowerment #womensrighttochoose #womensrights #abortionisawomansright #womenshealth #womensagency

A convo with Uzma Aslam Khan at McNally Jackson Seaport

I am honored to engage in conversation with the brilliant Uzma Aslam Khan about her new book, The Miraculous True History of Nomi Ali, on June 28th (7pm) at McNally Jackson Seaport (4 Fulton St) in NYC.

Beautifully written and part of the important process of decolonizing history and literature, Uzma’s book brings to life revolutions that have been erased and forgotten, and exposes (oh so eloquently) the mechanics of colonial oppression. It’s a stunning book that demands a rich convo.

Pls join us for a discussion, reading and book signing in NYC. Tickets are available here. Pls invite others and share widely!

my work selected for the ‘uncommon threads’ exhibition in huntington

my artwork ‘embroidered dreams,’ which is inspired by my grandmother niaz fatima, has been selected for a juried exhibition organized by the huntington arts council! the show is entitled ‘uncommon threads.’ it focuses on fiber arts in all their unconventional forms. my collage is an homage to my grandmother’s embroidery and is partly constructed with pakistani fabric. yes, long island!

Article in Newsday about our exhibition

Article in Newsday about our exhibition at Westbury Arts:
“Honoring the Past and Creating the Future”

WHEN | WHERE Through May 27, 2-6 p.m. Friday and 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Westbury Arts, 255 Schenck Ave.

Six Long Island women artists whose cultural heritages stretch across the globe share works that reference identity, immigration, history and fantasy. In her “This Heirloom” series, Brookhaven artist and filmmaker Mara Ahmed creates layered images full of texture, color and memories – some remembered, some imagined.
“Art,” she stated, “allows us to imagine alternative futures”

More here.

#asianamericanpacificislander #asianamericanpacificislanderheritagemonth #artexhibition #openingreception #westburyarts #westbury #longisland

Opening of the Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Art Exhibition at Westbury Arts

Beautiful art and artists at the opening of the Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Art Exhibition at Westbury Arts last evening. with @safiafatimi. More selfies coming soon.

#asianamericanpacificislander #asianamericanpacificislanderheritagemonth #artexhibition #openingreception #westburyarts #westbury #longisland

spring in central park

spent the day in manhattan with our daughter. what a treat to see our hardworking child (who is studying, working part time and doing an internship at IRC). a lovely sunny day and central park is glorious right now. more pictures on IG @mara__ahmed

#centralpark #nyc #newyorkcity #manhattan #daughtersareablessing #walkinthepark #sunnydayinnyc #weekendfamilytime

My work coming up at Wetsbury Arts

My artwork has been accepted for Westbury Arts’ Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Exhibition! First time my work will be shown on Long Island! Opening on May 6th, exhibition will be on view until May 27th. Thx Jaishri Abichandani for sharing the open call from Westbury Arts with me.

#asianpacificamericanheritagemonth #westburyarts #exhibition #artexhibition #asianpacificheritagemonth #longisland #westbury #maraahmed #thisheirloom