“The Cost of War, The Price of Peace” with Kathy Kelly and David Smith-Ferri was held at Downtown Presbyterian Church, Rochester, NY – September 13, 2011.
while the city of rochester flocked to see bill clinton at the u of r, some of us made a beeline to hear kathy kelly. as clinton’s govt imposed murderous sanctions on iraq, kathy kelly traveled to that country with food and medicine in violation of the sanctions. she and other activists were threatened with separate 12-year prison sentences and fines of one million dollars each. but they persevered. kathy now travels to afghanistan and pakistan and brings back first hand knowledge about the wars.
she is a light. was completely entranced by her emotive description of the wars in afghanistan and pakistan.
bought david smith-ferri’s book of poetry called “with children like ur own”. he accompanied kathy and read poigant poems from his book. one of them was called “something to say” – it’s written in the voices of drone victims:
“we have something to ask people in the US:
do u think we r animals
to be hunted and killed?
did the murder of our sisters and brothers and children
cause even a ripple
in the smooth pool of ur conscience,
even a small interruption
in ur routine,
in ur pursuits?”
kathy insisted on meeting my mother. she told her she loves lahore.
kathy kelly has been nominated three times for the nobel peace prize. but obama got it instead.
photograph by al brundage.