Witness Palestine (Rochester)

the film schedule for the witness palestine film series has just been finalized. this is our second year. check out what’s going on in rochester by joining up on facebook!

Film Schedule for 2013

5 Broken Cameras: Sun Sept 8 at 2pm, Little Theatre
The Law in these Parts: Mon Sept 9 at 6.45pm, Little Theatre
Jerusalem East Side Story and Follow the Money: Sun Sept 15 at 2pm, Little Theatre
The People and the Olive: Mon Sept 16 at 6.45pm, Little Theatre
Two-Sided Story: Sun Sept 22 at 2pm, Little Theatre
Going Against the Grain: Mon Sept 23 at 12.30pm, St John Fischer College

Demand All Charges Against Benny Warr Be Dropped and The Officers Involved Be Fired!

On May 1, Benny Warr was waiting for the bus in his wheelchair at the intersection of Bartlett St. and Jefferson Ave., near his home. As he was waiting for the bus, a Rochester police cruiser rolled up to the intersection. The officers exited the car and told Warr, to move on. Warr responded by saying he was only waiting for the bus. According Warr, the officers then maced him in the face and proceeded to throw him out of his chair where he was kicked, punched, and kneed by police while on the ground. Witnesses at the scene corroborate his description of incident. He was put in handcuffs for nearly two hours until he received care at Strong Memorial Hospital for his injuries. He sustained broken and fractured ribs, numbness in his hands, neck injuries, internal injuries, and cuts on his wrists. In the early morning hours of May 2, he was released and given an appearance ticket. He was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. More here.

sand mandala at immanuel baptist church

may 14, 2013: lamas building a sand mandala during the ecumenical mass at immanuel baptist church, park ave, rochester, ny.

sand mandala at immanuel baptist church
sand mandala at immanuel baptist church
sand mandala at immanuel baptist church
sand mandala at immanuel baptist church
sand mandala at immanuel baptist church
sand mandala at immanuel baptist church

asian pacific american heritage family day

asian pacific american heritage family day at the memorial art gallery last sunday may 5, 2013. qawwali music from the pakistani community and dancers from the chinese dance company of rochester.

qawwali music
qawwali music
chinese dance company of rochester
chinese dance company of rochester

bidder 70 and earth day

april 22, 2013: just saw “bidder 70” a doc about environmental activist tim dechristopher’s bid to save 22,000 acres of land in utah from oil and gas extraction. he was imprisoned for disrupting an auction, even tho the auction was later determined to be illegal. he was released today, on earth day, after completing his 21 month prison sentence. bidder 70 was screened all over the country. tim is doing a Q&A right now on skype. people can ask him questions thru twitter. v cool to be a part of this historic event. tim’s interview on democracy now here.

Teilhard de Chardin’s ‘Planetary Mind’ and Our Spiritual Evolution

yesterday, on april 21st 2013, i went to see “divine milieu: the last confession of teilhard de chardin” at the space theatre in rochester. pierre teilhard de chardin (1881 – 1955) was a french philosopher and jesuit priest, a paleontologist and geologist, who spent most of his life trying to integrate religious experience with natural science, specifically christian theology with theories of evolution. he became enthralled with the possibilities for humankind, which he saw as heading for an exciting convergence of systems, a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which the universe is evolving, an “omega point” which will lead to a new state of peace and planetary unity. he saw this unity as being based upon the spirit of the earth: “the age of nations is past. the task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the earth.” in effect, he is talking about the same inter-connectedness that vandana shiva discusses in terms of food activism and the inextricability of the human-to-human and human-to-earth bond.

in his book “the phenomenon of man” teilhard talks about a collective identity which develops as trade and the transmission of ideas increases. knowledge accumulates and is transmitted in increasing levels of depth and complexity. this leads to a further augmentation of consciousness and the emergence of a thinking layer that envelops the earth. he calls the new membrane the “noosphere” (from the greek “nous,” meaning mind). the noosphere is the collective consciousness of humanity, the networks of thought and emotion in which all are immersed. teilhard was reprimanded, censored and condemned by the church for his ideas.

it was sad that one of the panelists who discussed the play gave the example of the multi-media manhunt for the boston bombing suspect as being representative of teilhard’s collective human network. quite the opposite. we are v far still from achieving true mind and spirit human interconnectedness. i agree with teilhard that “we have reached a crossroads in human evolution where the only road which leads forward is towards a common passion… to continue to place our hopes in a social order achieved by external violence would simply amount to our giving up all hope of carrying the spirit of the earth to its limits.”

teilhad was played by l. john cieslinski who also wrote the play. thank u to my friend Sarita for this excellent treat!

here is a wonderful podcast discussing teilhard’s work from many different perspectives.

garchen rinpoche in rochester

i’ve been interested in buddhism for a while. one, because unlike hinduism and islam, it originated in the indian subcontinent, and two, because according to a friend of mine who’s a professor of religious studies, buddhism is first and foremost cerebral. today i had the chance to meet garchen rinpoche at the white lotus buddhist center where he discussed patrul rinpoche’s “your heart gave up deceit long ago: an homage to shakyamuni buddha”. the teachings started with the meaning of deceit, artifice and pretense and how these r mixed with nearly every aspect of our lives. whether it be business, personal relationships or how we perceive our role in the world, it is important to be aware of contrived taints. arrogance and self-interest r also a form of deceit. the focus must always be on serving others. in tibetan, the word for honest is synonymous with balanced and sage. i totally got the idea of the mind’s natural state being similar to space, which cannot be manipulated. the mind is therefore primordially buddha. if one is able to grasp that reality, then it becomes possible not to follow one’s conceptual thoughts and maintain a clean, luminous mind. meditating helps with that process. it makes it possible to identify afflictive emotions thereby neutralizing them. it makes it possible to move beyond habitual imprints and watch one’s emotions with some distance, as if watching a soap opera on tv. once we understand the vastness of our minds, we cannot help but see that the same unencumbered space exists in other human beings as well. rinpoche gave the example of two pots, which r filled with the same exact space. if u smash them together, they easily become one, like the sky. love that. also connected to many of the 37 practices of bodhisattvas by ngulchu togmay zangpo, e.g. “without ethics u cannot accomplish ur own well-being, so wanting to accomplish others’ is laughable. therefore without worldly aspirations, safeguard ur ethical discipline – this is the practice of bodhisattvas.” thx to my friend judy who invited me to join her.

garchen rinpoche in rochester
garchen rinpoche in rochester

missi’s visit

march 24, 2013: spent the weekend with my buddy missi, who was visiting from toronto. eastman museum, village gate, dark horse coffee, little theatre and spot coffee. the weather was sub-optimal but we still had a lot of fun.

missi's visit
missi’s visit

media and popular culture

march 12, 2013: i was invited to speak about “media and popular culture” to high school students at the global citizenship conference at nazareth college today. i used photographs and videos to showcase the power of media in shaping our thinking. there were about 25 students in my class and they were sharp. we talked about latino stereotypes and the overwhelming reference to illegal immigration and they immediately threw NAFTA at me. they recognized iconic images representing the great depression, the civil rights movement, the vietnam war, and abu ghraib. i confronted them with two pictures of afghan women, one taken in 1985 (during the soviet occupation) and the other taken in 2010 (during the american occupation) and they were able to piece together the political messages they convey, ever so subtly. i showed them kiri davis’ “black doll, white doll” and some of jack shaheen’s “reel bad arabs.” they were totally with it. so what about the zoned out, self absorbed, barely literate american high school kid? just a media stereotype. trust me.

glenn greenwald at suny brockport today

march 7, 2013: glenn greenwald gave a lecture at suny brockport today. what a brilliant, incisive and energetic mind. he discussed civil liberties, the implications of perpetual war, the targeting of a marginalized muslim minority and the slow but steady erosion of everyone’s rights. he mentioned a “2008 CIA report fretting about growing anti-war sentiment in western europe and concluding that the best weapon to safeguard against its continuation would be the election of obama.” he quoted frederick douglass: “find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them…” the quote goes on: “…and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. the limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” i shook his hand and told him he was a point of reference for us, at a time when we r surrounded by propaganda. i wanted to thank him personally for his work.

glenn greenwald
glenn greenwald