Spoke at Hobart and William Smith Colleges

spoke about activism and film and showed selections from my films on wednesday, feb 24th, 6.30 pm, at the south asia speaker series, fischer center, hobart and william smith colleges:

On Wednesday, Feb. 24, the South Asia Speaker Series will welcome Rochester-based artist, activist, and filmmaker, Mara Ahmed, as she talks about and shows selections of her films at 6:30 p.m. in the Fisher Center.

Ahmed’s first film, “The Muslims I Know” (2008), is a dialogue between American Muslims and non-Muslims. In this film, she seeks to debunk stereotypes by introducing her audiences to Pakistani-American families in Rochester, N.Y.

For more information, visit www.TheMuslimsIKnow.com.

Presently Ahmed is editing a film that she shot in Lahore, Pakistan last year, tentatively called, “Pakistan One-on-One.” This documentary film surveys public opinion in Lahore about issues of interest to Americans, e.g. democracy in Pakistan, the Taliban, American foreign policy in the region, etc. (join the group on Facebook: Pakistan One-on-One).

Ahmed has also partly shot her third documentary about the partition of India. Collaborating with an Indian filmmaker on this, project, the idea is to demonstrate how partition affected people on both sides of the Pakistan-India border.

This South Asia Speaker Series event is sponsored by the Office of the Provost. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Food and refreshments will be available. Full post.

mara ahmed at hwsc, feb 24, 2010

West Side via West Bank – Najla Said’s Identity Found

The daughter of Edward W. Said, the Columbia University professor who until his death in 2003 was the most prominent advocate in this country for the cause of Palestinian independence, Ms. Said guides the audience though her teenage years as a self-described politically agnostic Upper West Side princess to a vision of herself today, a 35-year-old woman who is deeply moved by the very word “Palestine.” Full article.

Poets Against the War & Occupation

spoke at this event: “It’s hard to believe that next month will mark 7 years since we invaded Iraq; equaly amazing, last October marked 8 years since we invaded Afghanistan — the longest our country has been at war in its history. We’ve spent over 500 BILLION in these quagmires; by the end of FY2010, the total amount of money wasted will be top 1 TRILLION. This doesn’t even include the cost in death, injuries, and human suffering — not just to Americans but to Iraqi and Afghan citizens. Next Friday, February 12, marks the 7th anniversary of Poets Against the War. The movement was started by poet Sam Hamill who organized several fellow invitees to a White House symposium on poetry and annouced their intention to use the occasion to protest George W. Bush’s imminent invasion of Iraq. Their declaration resulted in a Poets Against the War website: poetsagainstwar.org.

mara ahmed speaking at poets against war and occupation.
Mara Ahmed speaking at Poets against War and Occupation, Basil Hall Auditorium, St. John Fisher College, February 12, 2010.
Photograph by Frank Judge.

rainy days in lahore

in his book “from amritsar to lahore”, stephen alter talks about traveling from delhi to lahore on the train. all of a sudden, a rain storm…

“around three o’clock in the afternoon a breeze suddenly picked up and i could see monsoon clouds blowing in, dark rafts of moisture drifting across the sky. i could smell the rain before it arrived, a sweet musky odor like wet clay. the drops began to fall, each of them as large as rupee coins, spilling onto the cement platform with silvery brightness. at first they evaporated as soon as they landed but after a minute the rain came down in a deluge. within seconds the platform was flooded and the wind blew the rain in at an angle beneath the roof.”

Where Three Dreams Cross: south Asian photography comes to east London

photography from india, pakistan and bangladesh at the whitechapel gallery in london – check it out.

Curators and photographers talk us through an exhibition devoted to work from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh at the Whitechapel gallery, and explain why they want to make people think again about our image of the continent. Watch video.

Cate Blanchett in “Streetcar”

love cate – amazingly intelligent, intense, beautiful. love blanche – flawed, psychologically fragile, deluded, tragic – irresistible. how can u go wrong? unfortunately the show was sold out in new york.

Blanche is the Everest of modern American drama, a peak of psychological complexity and emotional range, which many stars have attempted and few have conquered. Of the performances I’ve seen in recent years, Jessica Lange’s lacked theatrical amperage, Natasha Richardson’s was too buff, and Rachel Weisz’s, in this year’s overpraised Donmar Warehouse production in London, was too callow. The challenge for the actress taking on Blanche lies in fathoming her spiritual exhaustion, her paradoxical combination of backbone and collapse. Blanche has worn herself out, bearing her burden of guilt and grief, and facing down the world with a masquerade of Southern gaiety and grace. She is looking—as Williams himself was when he wrote the play—for “a cleft in the rock of the world that I could hide in.”

Blanchett, with her alert mind, her informed heart, and her lithe, patrician silhouette, gets it right from the first beat. “I’ve got to keep hold of myself,” Blanche says, her spirits sinking with disappointment at the threadbare squalor of the one-room apartment her sister shares with her working-class husband. “Only Poe! Only Mr. Edgar Allan Poe!—could do it justice! Out here I suppose is the ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir!” she drawls to Stella, flapping her long birdlike fingers in the direction of the window and the railroad tracks beyond. Blanchett doesn’t make the usual mistake of foreshadowing Blanche’s end at the play’s beginning; she allows Blanche a slow, fascinating decline. And she is compelling both as a brazen flirt and as an amusing bitch. When Stella explains that Stanley is Polish, for instance, Blanche replies, “They’re something like the Irish, aren’t they? Only not so—highbrow.” It’s part of Blanchett’s great accomplishment that she makes Blanche’s self-loathing as transparent and dramatic as her self-regard. She hits every rueful note of humor and regret in Williams’s dialogue. In one desperate scene, in which Blanche explains her sordid past to Stanley’s friend Mitch (Tim Richards), who has been disabused of his romantic interest in her, she takes a slug of Southern Comfort. “Southern Comfort!” she exclaims. “What is that, I wonder?” Dishevelled, sitting on the floor by the front door, she fesses up to Mitch. “Yes, I had many intimacies with strangers,” she says, in a voice fatigued by heartbreak. I don’t expect to see a better performance of this role in my lifetime. Full review.

THE SPECIAL LOVE by Ibn el Arabi

Mystic, philosopher, poet, sage, Muhammad Ibn el Arabi is one of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers. He was born in Murcia, Al-Andalus in 1165 and his writings had an immense impact throughout the Islamic world and beyond.

The most famous idea attributed to el Arabi is wahdat al-wojud “the oneness of being.” Although he never employs the term, the idea is implicit throughout his writings. In the manner of both theologians and philosophers, Ibn el Arabi employs the term wojud to refer to God as the Necessary Being. Like them, he also attributes the term to everything other than God, but he insists that wojud does not belong to the things found in the cosmos in any real sense. Rather things borrow wojud from God, much as the earth borrows light from the sun.

by Ibn el Arabi

As the full moon appears from the night, so appears
her face amid the tresses.

From sorrow comes the perception of her: the eyes
crying on the cheek; life the black narcissus
Shedding tears upon a rose.

More beauties are silenced: her fair quality is

Even to think of her harms her subtlety (thought is
Too coarse a thing to perceive her). If this be
So, how can she correctly be seen by such a clumsy
organ as the eye?

Her fleeting wonder eludes thought.
She is beyond the spectrum of sight.

When description tried to explain her, she overcame it.
Whenever such an attempt is made, description is
put to flight.

Because it is trying to circumscribe.

If someone seeking her lowers his aspirations (to
Feel in terms of ordinary love),
– there are always others who will not do so.

ibn el arabi

MAD GIRL’S LOVE SONG by Sylvia Plath

By Sylvia Plath

“I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

God topples from the sky, hell’s fires fade:
Exit seraphim and Satan’s men:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

I fancied you’d return the way you said,
But I grow old and I forget your name.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
At least when spring comes they roar back again.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)”