Sami al-Haj, the al Jazeera journalist who spent seven years at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo is preparing to file a lawsuit against former president George W Bush and other top Bush administration officials. al-Haj was repeatedly interrogated by U.S. operatives attempting to falsely link al Jazeera to al Qaeda. al-Haj was also tortured. Full article.
Category: activism
Afghanistan War Resister to “Put the War on Trial”
[…] contrary to mainstream opinion that believes Afghanistan to be a “justified” war, the invasion and ongoing occupation are actually in violation of the US Constitution and international law. Full article.
Dick Cheney’s fantasy war
“Last week a report by inspectors general at five federal agencies offered more insights into the efforts of the National Security Agency and CIA on warrantless eavesdropping. It turns out there not just one, but an entire suite of secret efforts that the report helpfully labelled “the President’s Surveillance Programme” (PSP). Each new report makes it clearer that Cheney’s stated determination to “take the gloves off” resulted in the creation of a shadowy bureaucratic archipelago of highly secret anti-terror programmes accountable to virtually no one (except, theoretically anyway, Cheney himself).” Full article.
A War Crime in Iraq: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
an american army colonel’s clear sense of purpose to subdue violence with violence, to hunt down and kill insurgents, resulted in a massacre in iraq. how many more massacres are we willing to overlook as we expand our empire? synopsis of article.
The American People Must Demand Torture Accountability
Not only is torture illegal, but condoning it leads us down a slippery slope toward unfettered executive power and sets a dangerous precedent for prisoner treatment, both in the U.S. and abroad. What are the implications for the future of the United States, especially in terms of public faith, the rule of law, and global trust and respect, if our government refuses to investigate and prosecute torture? Full article.
Arundhati Roy at the London Literature Festival – 2009
Another question was about “the fact that liberal, educated people are the ones who can listen and appreciate your arguments and books and not the poor.” Roy’s touchiness showed as she replied that, “strangely in India, the hierarchy of education and status has, like you, resulted in more narrow thoughts at the top rather then amongst the poor.” Arundhati Roy
read the full article.
Obama on Mt Rushmore? Greenpeace Banner Calls for Global Warming Leadership
Two Standards of Detention
Nonviolent activists and Muslims are held in draconian conditions, while the man charged with killing Dr. George Tiller trumpets from jail the extreme anti-abortion movement’s campaign of intimidation, vandalism, arson and murder. Full article.
Vietnam War Architect Robert McNamara Dies at 93: A Look at His Legacy
What strikes me as one of the many things we can learn from this McNamara experience is that we’ve got to stop revering these superficial qualities of brightness and smartness, and bring up a generation which thinks in moral terms, which has moral intelligence, and which asks questions not, “Do we win or do we lose?” Asks questions, ” Is this right? Is it wrong?” Howard Zinn
Watch the interview.
John Pilger on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the Corporate Media, Obama’s Wars and Resisting the American Empire
“Whatever happens to American ground troops who eventually, yes, will be withdrawn, will make no difference to the significance of the American presence, the violent American presence in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and in Iraq. The whole region is being crafted, if you like, for a very, very long American colonial presence.” John Pilger
Watch the interview.
Is there life after democracy?
“Today, words like ‘Progress’ and ‘Development’ have become interchangeable with economic ‘Reforms’, Deregulation and Privatisation. ‘Freedom’ has come to mean ‘choice’. It has less to do with the human spirit than with different brands of deodorant. ‘Market’ no longer means a place where you go to buy provisions. The ‘Market’ is a de-territorialised space where faceless corporations do business, including buying and selling ‘futures’. ‘Justice’ has come to mean ‘human rights’ (and of those, as they say, ‘a few will do’). This theft of language, this technique of usurping words and deploying them like weapons, of using them to mask intent and to mean exactly the opposite of what they have traditionally meant, has been one of the most brilliant strategic victories of the Tsars of the new dispensation.” Arundhati Roy.
Read full article.
Generals of Honduras Military Coup Trained at the School of the Americas
Pakistanis Reject U.S. “Aid” Flights, As Lawsuit is Filed Against U.S. Drone Attacks
Damn those ungrateful Pakistanis. After U.S. drone attacks killed more than 600 of their people since 2006—most of them civilians—it seems they think they have some right to say they don’t want the U.S. flying its “aid” planes to Swat and other “tribal areas.” The New York Times reports that “the Pakistani authorities have refused to allow American workers or planes to distribute the aid in the camps for displaced people.” Full article.
The Improbable American
Despite no college education or a medical background, a rugged American named Todd Shea runs a charity hospital in Kashmir, where a 2005 earthquake killed 80,000 people.
Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier is Up for Parole This Month
“I AM but a common man, I am not a speaker but I have spoken. I am not all that tall, but I have stood up. I am not a philosopher or poet or a singer or any of those things that particularly inspire people, but the one thing that I am is the evidence that this country lied when they said there was justice for all…” Leonard Peltier
Read the full article.