the nightmare is real

some of my thoughts on hillary clinton:

she’s polished, well-situated within the structures of power, already invested in violence as a means to manage disagreement preemptively, completely bought and paid for by the corporate mafia, and in bed with some of the most racist and fascist regimes of the world.

she also has this arrogance, which i find v disturbing. something i associate equally with her husband. this self-righteous sense of superiority that allows them to think that they can get away with everything. how she laughed at gaddafi’s horrific death (in a country where she headed an illegal, merciless war), how she talked down to a BLM activist who interrupted her speech, how she vowed her unconditional support for AIPAC at a time when the public is becoming more and more aware of the human rights catastrophe that is israel/palestine, how she shut down terry gross when she asked about her flip-flops on gay marriage, how she instigated/facilitated a right wing coup in honduras with shameless confidence, etc. these are not just memes. it’s an insight into her sense of entitlement.

i’m afraid that a majority of bernie supporters are going to turn around and vote for her. if she gets elected there will be much less resistance to her competent imperial aggression. just like obama’s election neutralized the anti-war movement, even though his presidency sounded the death knell for any paltry vestiges of liberalism in this country. she terrifies me.

trump on the other hand is an open bigot, flip-flopper, peddler of hate and racial scapegoating. he’s a wild card that the republican establishment itself tried to sabotage. he too could do terrible things. no doubts about that. but at least there will be some pushback, some cracks in his armor that can be exploited to rein him in.

trump wants to build a wall, clinton *is* a wall. her regime will be untouchable.