on november 15th, 2009 all of upstate ny mobilized to oppose the operation of drones out of the 174th air national guard base in syracuse. a series of events was organized by the syracuse peace council: “for reasons of both security and morality, the syracuse peace council opposes invasion and occupation. we also oppose rogue assassination – i.e. execution with no judicial due process. further, we oppose the piloting of the reaper from a base in our backyard.”
about 250 people attended from all over ny, including albany, binghamton, buffalo, rochester, canaan, chatham, cortland, ithaca, saratoga, syracuse, and vernon.
some of the groups represented at this protest included broome county peace action, syracuse peace council, earth first, ithaca catholic worker, international socialist organization, rochester SDS, wny peace center, bethlehem neighbors for peace, veterans for peace, the green party, rochester against war, school of the americas watch, military families speak out, voices for creative nonviolence, saratoga peace alliance, gandhi institute for peace and nonviolence, chatham peace initiative, and st. joseph’s house.
after assembling at artrage gallery in syracuse (where there is a terrific exhibit of milton rogovin’s black and white photography from all over the world), protesters were offered warm soup and fresh bread. people turned up with drums, guitars, banners, signs and much positive energy. the potato leek soup was by far the most popular. people ate and mingled for a while.
everyone was asked to sign a letter to colonel bradley, 174th flight wing commander, ny air national guard base, hancock international airport, syracuse: “thanks to the reaper assassination campaign hundreds of civilians have been killed. how is such killing to be distinguished from the terrorism the u.s. claims to be fighting? after all, doesn’t our own state department define “terrorism” as the killing of civilians for political purposes? we believe that problems between nations and other political entities must be solved peaceably. respectfully enlisting the support of other powers interested in regional stability, our peace-seeking must be marked by due process, negotiation diplomacy and cooperation. violence only spawns more violence.”
kathy kelly who coordinates voices for creative nonviolence, a campaign to end u.s. military and economic warfare, and who co-founded voices in the wilderness, a group which openly defied economic sanctions against iraq from 1996-2003 by bringing medical supplies to children and families there, spoke briefly: “our capacity to be better people will never be predicated on the maintenance of the insidious and cowardly drone aircraft system.” (watch part of her speech: http://www.mediasanctuary.org/movie/1082)
the group then disbanded to meet up again at the hancock base. there was a rally in front of the base with chants and slogans and lots of signs: central ny says no to drones, peace yes drones no, execution without trial, we are less safe today, fund schools not war, as we fly drones we become a terrorist base, troops home now, yes we can get out of afghanistan, we do not condone the drone, no more blood for oil, get our priorities straight – fund human needs not war, drones = terrorist tools, drones are crematoria in the sky.
legendary american poet and peace activist daniel berrigan, who made a name for himself in the movement against the vietnam war, was present along with his brother jerry. they approached the base to deliver our letter to the base commander. carmen trotta who was managing jerry’s wheelchair, was randomly asked to leave by the police. he refused and was arrested. the letter was handed over to a security officer. the base commander did not appear as promised.
my friend judy bello brought a large number of homemade “bloody shrouds” with her. many protesters wrapped them around their shoulders as they rallied. they also participated in a live performance by lying down on the grass in front of the base – a group of bodies covered by bloody shrouds. it had a chilling effect. an image to remember as we bomb civilians indiscriminately, halfway around the world. all we need now is a joy stick and a video game monitor to wreak havoc on hundreds of people we don’t know anything about. a disturbing idea.
the day ended with a group meeting at artrage gallery. many of the peace groups were present. an action plan was developed along with a communication strategy. this is just the beginning. as warfare becomes more and more automated, grassroots resistance will have to keep pace.
as ed kinane wrote in his article “drones and dishonor in central new york”: “because drones seem – in the short term and within narrow contexts – to reduce u.s. casualties, some cheer them on. however – and this is essential – drones make war easier to initiate and perpetuate. the folks back home wouldn’t even need to hear about the drones’ brave deeds. no thought-provoking body bags – at least not here at home. like many other high-tech weapons, drones are indiscriminate: they can kill offensively or defensively, invaders or resisters. they kill combatants and non-combatants, adults and children. because most victims are civilian, drones are terrorist weapons. terror isn’t just something “they” do. perpetrators of terrorism can have dark skin or light, be “islamic” or “christian.” terrorists can be state or non-state actors. terrorist budgets can be scanty or vast. terrorist weapons can be low-tech or high-tech.” (read ed’s full article at truthout.org: http://www.truthout.org/093009B)
on the same day, november 15th, 150 people rallied against torture and drones at fort huachuca (arizona) home of the u.s. army intelligence center where interrogators are trained. they also delivered a message to the base: they decried the cruel treatment and abuse of detainees from the wars in iraq and afghanistan and they condemned the use of drones. (read more about the protest at fort huachuca: http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2009/11/16-5)
it’s heartening that americans are coming together all over the country to oppose wars that do not represent them – their principles, their priorities, their interests. it would be even more heartening to see the emergence of a similar movement in pakistan – a movement based on non-violence and human rights. devastating (and in the long run ineffective) military operations on pakistan’s civilians should not be condoned – whether they involve american drones or pakistan’s own army. massacring and displacing civilians is terrorism and violence can only engender more violence. it’s not a fix.