Muslim Woman & Jewish Man Booted from Trump Rally for Silent Protest Against Islamophobia

AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to turn to Marty Rosenbluth. Rose Hamid has gotten a lot of attention, a woman in a hijab with that T-shirt that said “Salam, I come in peace” being taken out. You, too, were standing next to her. Why did you decide to stand up in silent protest? And explain what happened to you.

MARTY ROSENBLUTH: Sure. Actually, there were eight of us altogether who were wearing the stars. And our message is really clear, that Trump’s type of hate speech is very, very dangerous, and the type of fear and anger and hostility that he’s stirring up needs to be addressed and needs to be stopped. […] We actually got the idea from a Muslim woman at a demonstration in London, who wore an eight-pointed star that simply said “Muslim” on it. And it immediately resonated with me, obviously, as a Jew, that these are really, really similar to the type of yellow stars and pink triangles and other things that the Nazis forced people to wear during the Holocaust. And when Trump called for Muslims to be put into a database, for Muslims to be identified, to ban all Muslims, he’s singling out an entire group of people based on the actions of a few individuals. So we came up with the idea of making these yellow stars, some of which say “Muslim,” some of which say “human,” some of which say “Stop Islamophobia,” that, you know, people can print out and wear and use any way they want to, to protest against this type of hate speech. More here.