French conservatives march in Paris yelling ‘Jews, get out of France!’

John Aravosis: For the first time since the Nazi occupation of Paris, thousands of Frenchmen marched through the streets of the capital screaming “Jews, get out of France!” The protest, opposing the politically-left government of French President François Hollande, was called “The Day of Anger,” and was organized by a nebulous coalition of French conservatives and the country’s gay-hating religious right, among others. The protests shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been following the developments in France the past few years. America’s religious right has had a heavy hand in helping France’s nascent religious right organize alongside the lead conservative party, the UMP (France’s Republican party, for lack of a better comparison), against the country’s recent legalization of same-sex marriage. French conservatives, following the example of American Republicans, are trying to use gay marriage, and gay rights generally, as part of a larger wedge to divide Frenchmen and win future elections on the backs of the country’s gay and lesbian community. But of course, as we’ve learned far too often, once you start fanning the flames of intolerance, it’s awfully hard to control the animus you’ve created. The religious right anti-gay protests have increasingly taken on a decidedly neo-Nazi bent, which – quelle surprise – has now turned into open anti-Semitism. More here.