so i believe in marriage. when it works, it can be a beautiful thing. i wish malala all the best on her nikah. may she and asser malik truly form a vibrant and powerful partnership. the reason i’m posting this is because of the mean comments i’ve seen on twitter. people keep posting a snippet from an interview in which she questioned the necessity for marriage (when at university) and then went on to say how people grow and change all the time. so, yeah, exactly. also, she’s not too young. 24 is an ok age to make such a decision. finally, all the talk about an unwanted arranged marriage is preposterous. this is the girl who went to school even when some armed men decreed otherwise and got shot in the head for being too independent. u really think she can be railroaded into a marriage she doesn’t want? seriously? makes me think how at the end of the day, in spite of her fame and personal history, in spite of the relationship she has with her parents which is well documented, in spite of her obvious intelligence and education, when it comes down to it, she’s just a muslim girl. so the same old, tired, islamophobic tropes must be applied to her reflexively. marriage is always a gamble, whether u marry someone at 24 or 30 or live with them for years before tying the knot. we all do our best and i wish malala success and happiness in the decision she’s taken.
#malalayousafzai #malala #marriage #marriagecanbebeautiful #muslimwomenarepowerful #fuckislamophobia