majorelle garden

the #majorelle #garden in #marrakesh #morocco was created in the 1920s by the #french #painter #jacques #majorelle
it was opened to the public in 1947
it has “marble #pools, raised pathways, banana #trees, groves of #bamboo, coconut #palms and #bougainvilleas. perhaps unsuprisingly as the garden was designed by a painter, it is composed and colored like a #painting. many of the built features are painted in majorelle #blue – a clear, intense, #ultramarine blue – which works very well with the soil, climate and plants

water is an important feature of the garden – there are channels, lily-filled

#ponds and #fountains. majorelle was an avid #plant collector

after years of neglect, the garden was taken over and #restored by the #fashion designer #yves #saint #laurent and his partner pierre berge”
more pictures here.

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