A colossal act of cruelty

Inequality in the United States is at record levels. As of last year, the richest 1 percent of households controlled 38.6 percent of all wealth in the U.S., while the bottom 90 percent of the population combined was worth barely half as much. Judged by income, the “world’s greatest democracy” is more unequal than at any time in a century and a half.

Yet Republicans have chosen this moment to drive through tax cuts that will super-size inequality.

The tax cut legislation is very unpopular–less than one-third of people support the Republican proposals, according to opinion polls. But Trump and Congress are united around this issue like no other and determined to deliver this bonanza for the super-rich, no matter the consequences.

Our side can’t be stunned into silence by this class-war onslaught. We need to show some determination of our own–using every opportunity to expose this Robin-Hood-in-reverse robbery for what it is and raise our voices in protest. More here.

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