White supremacists’ favorite myths about black crime rates take another hit from BJS study

The Justice Department’s statistics-crunching arm just blew up a whole stack of white-supremacist myths about the nature of interracial crime and violence committed by minorities. In a report released Thursday titled Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-2015, the DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics found that a majority of most violent crimes are committed by people who are the same race as their victims. Indeed, the rate of white-on-white violent crime, it found, is about four times the rate of black-on-white crime. More here.

BTW the reason i posted this article is the argument that’s presented almost mechanically by white people when confronted with the systemic brutality enacted on black bodies by white supremacist institutions (such as law enforcement and the prison industrial complex). the red herring is always, predictably: what about black on black crime? the interesting thing is that no statistics are ever recorded/presented for white on white crime. this study does that and finds out, as expected, that most crime is intraracial (including whites, blacks, browns, or what have u). so trying to put to rest the meaningless, diversionary ruse of “black on black crime”.

comparing black crime to white crime by looking at stats is problematic anyway. producing numbers to rate various communities on violent crime is meaningless as long as violent institutional crimes such as segregation, defunding of city schools, unemployment, redlining, gentrification, inadequate housing and healthcare, a racist criminal justice system, etc etc etc are not reflected in those numbers. one can only carry out accurate comparative analyses ceteris paribus. our focus should be how to get to a level playing field, not producing bar graphs where most of the context/data is egregiously missing.

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