Under Iraq’s new laws, the electoral system has been jiggled to ensure that no single party can win power. There has got to be a coalition, an alliance among whomever of the 6,000 candidates from 86 parties gain seats in parliament. But all this means is that the next sectarian government will hold power according to the percentage of Shia, Sunni and Kurdish communities in Iraq. The West has always preferred this system in the Middle East, knowing that such “democracy” will produce governments according to the confessional power of each community. We’ve done this in Northern Ireland. We did it in Cyprus. The French created a Lebanon whose very identity is confessional, each community living in suspicious love of each other lest they be destroyed. Even in Afghanistan, we prefer to deal with the corrupt Hamid Karzai – held in disdain by most of his fellow Pushtuns – and allow him to rule on our behalf with an army largely made up of paid tribal supporters. Full article.