Today at Rochester City Hall, 6:30-7:30pm, awards will be presented to students in Studio 678, the Wilson Foundation Academy Photo Club. This is the 19th year that Flower City Arts Center has provided this after school photography and writing program, currently to thirty 7th and 8th grade students of Wilson Foundation Academy. It is a 24 session program which includes several field trips. Students learn how to use 35mm film cameras, take pictures in the community, make their own black and white prints in the darkroom, work with spoken word poets to write poems to accompany their photographs, take portraits of each other in the lighting studio, scan their prints in the digital lab and use Photoshop and In-Design to create a book of their work. They also mat and frame two of their photographs for an exhibition at the link gallery, City Hall, and present all of their work as a multi-media presentation. Today’s award ceremony is open to the public. I will be there, hope that u can make it too. Let’s celebrate these brilliant students and their work. More here.