Bill Maher, Bigtime Bigot: His Outrageous Statements About Islam and Muslims Are Beyond the Pale

Max Blumenthal: Since 9/11, Bill Maher has devoted himself to mainstreaming the toxic narrative of Islamophobia. With a captive audience of millions, the support of a major cable network and a steady stream of celebrity guests, including no shortage of self-styled progressives, Maher has largely succeeded in his goal. Dan Cohen’s video compilation (embedded in article) represents the most shocking exposé to date of Maher’s corrosive impact, laying bare the raw bigotry he pumps out night after night. In the era of Trump, when Islamophobia is being transformed into government policy, Cohen’s shocking video compilation raises an important question: How much longer will we continue to tolerate Islamophobes like Maher, who have built their careers on naked bigotry? More here. #BigotBillMaher