knew this all along. i remember discussing it with my husband. the impossibility, absolute impossibility, of extremely vulnerable refugees, people of color with no rights and aware of their precarity, committing such aggressive, public violence against white women. yet most people accepted the story without question. msm loved it and went into islamophobic overdrive. and of course, there’s no way to delete it from collective memory.
— Police confirmed on Tuesday to the Frankfurter Rundschau that their investigation of the allegations had led them to believe that they were spurious. “Interviews with alleged witnesses, guests and employees led to major doubts with the version of events that had been presented,” the police said. “One of the alleged victims was not even in Frankfurt at the time the allegations are said to have taken place.” The police were indeed unequivocal in how they understood the events to have unfolded. “Masses of refugees were not responsible for any sexual assaults in the Fressgass over New Year. The accusations are completely baseless,” the police said. More here.