The media have been swamped with reports about the attempt to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 on Christmas Day. When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, now dubbed the “underwear bomber,” failed in his alleged attack, close to 300 people were spared what would have been, most likely, a horrible, violent end. Since that airborne incident, the debates about terrorism and how best to protect the American people have been reignited. Meanwhile, a killer that has stalked the U.S. public, claiming, by recent estimates, 45,000 lives annually—one dead American about every 10 minutes – goes unchecked. That’s 3,750 people dead – more than the 9/11 attacks – every month who could be saved with the stroke of a pen. This killer is the lack of adequate health care in the United States. (Amy Goodman)
Full article here.