from my dearest friend Isabelle Bartter, who’s at standing rock right now. pls help, support, donate in any way u can. this is an important moment in history.
I am alive and well here at Standing Rock. I had my medic orientation on Monday and have been going nonstop.
My comrades and I built a cabin for our use while we are here and we have worked out a deal with the medics that when it’s not in use it will be emergency shelter for folks who have had tents destroyed by the weather. Tomorrow we will be putting up a community solar charging station.
So far, comrades and I have put in nearly every waking hour to working for the camp. Winter came very fast and the camp has been a buzz winterizing and getting ready to receive 1500-3000 veterans this weekend.
There is so much need here at camp as far as people power goes. If you are a builder, a doctor or nurse, an IT person, or someone with the motivation to get up every morning and wash dishes or cook for thousands of water protectors, and you have a week or more to spare, come here. Come with a mind set on waking up early and working all day. Come with a mind to listen to the elders and permanent residents when they tell you what needs to be done. Come with needed supplies. Come with others who have the same mindset.
Or don’t come. Donate to the camp directly. Send supplies. Don’t send your old broken flashlights though cause I had to sort through like 100 of those today and it wasn’t fun…
Anyway, sorry for the stream of consciousness here. Hope to find signal soon to fill y’all in more.