Marlon James: Working my nerves this week: the term, Bubble. As in, Liberals are in a bubble, and have nobody to blame but themselves for this come to Jesus moment. Dude please. Somehow we’re in a kind of bubble (is it real? does it smell of soap?) that makes us unable to see mainstream (or is it poor) white america. Not only is this false, it smacks of that liberal self centered do-goodiness that is annoying as f**k. That in all this “I am cut off from them” foolishness, the key player in this sentence is still I, I, I. It also implies again, that this is some surprise element in the election when everybody knows how they would have voted, hell you knew from 1984 how they would have voted in 2016. It’s the person next door who made the difference with Trump, not Butch in the Trailer Park or wherever you pick up your poor white stereotype.
Meanwhile we’re supposed to be the ones in a bubble. Somebody, given all the news outlets out there, chose to watch only Fox news. Somebody, despite avenues of knowledge open to them choose to believe the Earth is 5000 years old and evolution is heresy. Somebody despite the utter fallacy of the thing still think Obama is both a muslim and a fringe christian. Somebody, despite using Planned parenthood the most, and benefiting the most from affirmative action, still think the coloured folk get some unfair advantage. Somebody, despite Republicans wrecking them since 1981, chose to vote against their own interests again and again in the interest of white supremacy. You think we’re in a bubble and can’t see them? Go get yourself a hanky. They’re in a bubble and choose to not see us. Bout time we pop that shit.