we did early voting today and voted for the green party. it’s not on the ballot in ny, but one can fill in the bubble for a write-in vote, and write “jill stein/rudolph ware” in that box. i’m sharing this information for a number of reasons. 1) voting for a genocidaire, a sitting vice president who has greenlit a holocaust to which she continues to be committed (“let me be clear, i will always stand up for israel’s right to defend itself”), is not possible. 2) the electoral system/ politicians will not save us, we will have to do that work ourselves. but a multi-pronged approach has been effective in the history of social activism. 3) the two party system is a joke. it’s a gun-toting, earth-poisoning, sadistic, imperialist, one party system that will not stop until it eats itself. if stein gets 130,000 votes in ny, the green party will have ballot access for the next 2 yrs. break the two party system. 4) those who believe in the lesser-of-two-evilism theory, pls stick to facts, not imaginary outcomes. trump did not commit a holocaust of this magnitude – nothing is worse than mass slaughter. if u are worried about immigration, harris is competing with trump to be more xenophobic – a greater lover of militarized borders and walls. if u are concerned about women’s health and reproductive rights, read the lancet: “our colleagues in gaza, local physicians who face the horrors of this large-scale violence daily, report an unprecedented rise in maternal deaths, miscarriages, and stillbirths. the malnutrition that many pregnant women endure only exacerbates these outcomes…” if ur reaction is: “but that’s over there, not here,” pls look into ur stunning ability to otherize non-american, non-white, non-english speaking women. what does that say about your intersectional feminism? 5) american voters seem to opt for style over substance. consider reagan (elevated to the rank of american icon because as an actor, he could play the president quite well), clinton (who could exude southern charm and everyday greasiness while he dismantled welfare, introduced a devastating crime bill and pushed thru NAFTA) or obama (the drone president who dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016 alone and killed a ton of poor people but, hey, he was black and good at speeches). the distaste for trump is partly that – the inability of american liberals to digest his cartoonish presence. 6) i know that the words ‘crossing a red line’ have become meaningless, since so many lines have been breached in gaza. doesn’t change the fact that there should be limits (legal, political, social) to what is considered acceptable or bearable. whether one calls it morality or ethics, whatever the panorama of what one considers good or evil, some rules can never be violated. killing and torturing children, siccing dogs on the elderly and those with disabilities, gang rape, assassinating journalists, doctors and academics, starving 2 million people to death – the list is endless, israeli depravities unimaginable, and biden-harris 100% responsible. register your break from these war crimes and vote for a third party.
not interested in debating. sharing my thoughts with those who care to read.