my day today: decided to walk to alma cafe (contemporary honduran cuisine) for brunch and walked about 30 minutes in hot nola weather (thank god i didn’t pass out). ordered some baleada sencilla – eggs, refried beans, cream, queso fresco, and avocado served on a homemade flour tortilla. the tortilla was splendid but too much parmesan on top – too salty for me. a slight detour to get a slice of blueberry and marzipan tart at petite clouet cafe. a short trip to lucullus antiques – nothing interesting and too pricey. in the afternoon a meet and greet for all the collage folx at artisan cafe and bar. i met some lovely artists from nyc, chicago, maine, new hampshire, portland, nebraska, etc. finally, a kolaj fest panel discussion at the new orleans museum of art. more about that in next post.