praha’s main train station is called praha hlavni nadrazi or praha hl.n. for short. it’s multilevel and if u don’t speak the language it can be overwhelming. i had to take a train to berlin today so i did a lot of online research and figured these things out. if u are planning to travel to praha via train, here are some tips.
u don’t need to take a taxi or uber if u are staying close to the old town. u can walk to the station. the address is: wilsonova 8, 120 00 prague. use google maps.
enter the station (thru a small park) and walk straight thru the entrance. u will see a large departures/arrivals monitor. find ur train and look for the platform number. they said those are only announced 10 min prior to departure (which was freaking me out) but my platform number was visible more than an hour before departure.
now the thing is whether u will be on the L (north) or R (south) side of that platform. that info is announced 10 min prior, when there is a huge crowd of people rushing towards the platforms via three passageways. chaos. here is what u can do to avoid it.
behind the departures/arrivals monitor u will see escalator ramps. use them to go up. stay in the middle passageway leading to the platforms (it’s flanked by burger king and sephora).
walk to ur platform number (overhead). there will be electronic signs on each side – north and south – with the trains coming on that particular side listed as they come into the station. wait in the passageway. 10-15 min before ur departure time, ur train will be listed either on the L or R. go up to the platform on that side. board ur train. voila:)
p.s. there are electric outlets by the window seats. u can charge ur phone but don’t forget to bring an adaptor. there are also compactly pleated curtains on both sides of windows.
btw random pictures are of praha castle where i was yesterday. it was built in the 9th century.