at the people’s forum in manhattan, for the first time ever, to attend the book launch of ‘a land with a people: palestinians and jews confront zionism.’ brilliant space (look at the books and posters) and brilliant event. congrats sarah sills, esther farmer and ros petchesky.
i am reading the book right now and i recommend it strongly. it uses personal stories to deconstruct racist myths and make visible the violence of zionism. as one of the contributors said: it’s not about ethnicity or religion, it’s about supporting colonial regimes or decolonization.
pls read the book and share with others. name and confront zionism just like we name and confront racism, settler colonialism, and white supremacy. imagine a just and hopeful future for all.
#peoplesforumnyc #peoplesforum #booklaunch #jvp #alandwithapeople #zionismisracism #zionsimisapartheid #notocolonialism #notoracism #bds #palestinewillbefree #fromtherivertothesea #fromtherivertotheseapalestinewillbefree