we had to cut down this silver maple today. it broke my heart. some of its branches were already dead and the trunk was highly compromised, so i was told it was a safety issue. still, when the tree climber began to cut it down this morning, i had the strong urge to run outside and stop him. i wish i knew of some ceremony, to thank the tree for 100s of years of beauty and shade. it feels momentous. so much history disappeared in a few hours. what a huge, gaping loss. for us but also for its companion silver maples.
“nothing does it justice. at approximately 60 feet high and 222 inches in circumference, measured at 4.5 feet off the ground, the enormous silver maple in setauket is one of the few of its kind that remembers a time potentially up to the revolutionary period or even further back.”
[see the white car in the bottom corner for some perspective on the tremendous height of this beautiful tree]
#silvermaple #setauket #setauketny #treesarelife #treesarebeautiful #treesaresacred #mourningloss #mourningbeauty