Robin Wilt wins

congrats Robin Reynolds Wilt! ur well-deserved victory gives me hope. thank u for standing up for ALL oppressed people, ALL over the world, and for addressing racism not just here at home (in brighton or the US more broadly) but also in other settler colonies such as israel (it’s important to be precise even if vague, feel-good statements about justice and solidarity get more likes).

the prolonged, relentless, and well-organized backlash robin received for saying “free palestine” only goes to show how deeply our struggles are intertwined. MLK’s famous words that “no one is free until we are all free” are not just a handy aphorism, they contain a practical guide for how to think and fight.

that a woman of color had the audacity and fortitude to live by those words, and face the overwhelming backlash that was bound to come, does not surprise me — that’s how history has always been made.

#blackwomenrock #freepalestine #endtheoccupation #endsettlercolonialism #zionismisracism #notoracism #blacklivesmatter #endamericanimperialism #endwhitesupremacy

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