Palestinian Scholar Noura Erakat: Israeli Forces Killed My Cousin on His Sister’s Wedding Day

Noura Erakat: This is not about one bad Israeli soldier, just as it’s not about one bad cop ever. This is a system. It is an apartheid system. It is a settler colonial system that enshrines Jewish Israeli supremacy as a matter of law and policy on an international scale. And it is one that marks Palestinians for removal, exile or death. And it is done with the full, unequivocal, diplomatic, financial, military support of the United States and with the complicity of the international community.
So it bears upon us to respond in this moment by supporting the Palestinian call for freedom, by doing the little that we can by engaging in boycott, divestment and sanctions for Ahmed, for Razan, for Iyad, to oppose the annexation, to oppose apartheid, to fight for freedom. More here.

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