The Whitney and the High Line

Today the Whitney Museum of American Art and its beautiful city views. Started with Alexander Calder’s Hypermobility. Many of his gorgeous, delicately balanced sculptures were activated at certain times by the Museum and they danced elegantly, like three dimensional musical notes, producing ethereal shadows all around them. Hélio Oiticica’s installations were premised on the idea that artists need to be free to create – there were sandy beaches to explore barefoot, rooms filled with colorful projections, Jimi Hendrix music and fitted with hammocks for us to swing in, a pool table, and much more. Finally an Incomplete History of Protest had fantastic posters, videos and installations, all extremely relevant today. After the Whitney, my daughter and I walked along the High Line to get to Chelsea Market. Had some cheesecake at Sarabeth’s, looked at some of the artists’ stalls and then back to the hotel. The day ended with excellent Mexican food at El Rio Grande with both my kids 🙂

view from the whitney museum

alexander calder’s hypermobility

the whitney museum

an incomplete history of protest at the whitney

the high line