Film and Discussion “The Muslims I Know” (Closed Captioned): RIT’s Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, the College of Liberal Arts, Center for Religious Life, & the Muslim Student Association present “The Muslims I Know,” followed by Q&A with Director/Producer Mara Ahmed. The Muslims I Know is a 2008 documentary film directed by Pakistani-American producer/director Mara Ahmed. The film tries to answer the clichéd question “Where are the moderate Muslims?” by focusing on a small American Muslim community in Rochester NY. The film explores culture (including norms and values derived from religion). Islamic scholars are interviewed to answer basic questions about Islamic theology and history, but most issues are commented on by regular Pakistani Americans who want to participate in America’s mainstream socio-political discourse. Today at 7pm at Allen Chapel, Interfaith Center, RIT, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623.