#CedricHerrou #Humanité #SolidaritéAvecLesRéfugiés

Che Brandes-Tuka: If you wondered what heroism in the age of Trump and the rise of the anti-migrant far-right in Fortress Europe looks like, meet Cédric Herrou.

Cédric is a French olive farmer facing 5 years of prison and a 30.000 euro fine for helping hundreds of migrants cross into France and giving them shelter.

As the historian Howard Zinn reminds us, it’s the small acts, multiplied by millions of ordinary people, that have transformed and will continue to transform the world.

Cédric remains unapologetic about running an underground railroad and bringing refugees illegally into France : “It’s the state which is implicated in illegality, not I. What I do is not a sacrifice, it is an honor.”