Jaisal Noor: As many fear a fresh cholera outbreak, we look at the UN’s long denials over involvement in the previous cholera outbreak that killed thousands and from which the country is still recovering. We also look at why some are saying to not give to organizations like the Red Cross and instead to donate to local Haitian organizations for recovery efforts, as well as the role the Clintons and Foreign powers have had on Haitian democracy.
As Haiti was still struggling to rebuild after the devastating earthquake in 2010, they were struck again by another disaster. A cholera outbreak that ended up killing about 10,000 people and sickened hundreds of thousands. Many Haitians immediately pointed the finger at United Nations troops for causing the outbreak, claims that the UN long denied until August of this year.
[…] Hurricane Matthew has also caused Sunday’s scheduled presidential election to be delayed indefinitely. The United States has long been accused of interfering in Haiti’s elections and some saw this upcoming vote as a chance to restore a more democratic government.
Hillary Clinton’s involvement in Haiti began before the 2010 earthquake, and the country soon became the “centerpiece” of State Department policy under her leadership. In 2009, Clinton worked with Haitian elites and multinationals, such as Hanes and Levi’s, to stop a raise of the minimum wage. Emails revealed she played a role in the 2011 election of former president Michel Martelly after she personal intervened to pressure Rene Preval to end his candidacy.
Among those running in this election is Dr. Maryse Narcisse of the Fanmi Lavalas Party, the party of former president Jean-Betrand Aristde. The US-backed coups against the Aristide government in both 1991 and 2004. More here.