Despite the best efforts of the Blairites, the right-wing media, and behind them the capitalist establishment, Jeremy Corbyn now has a bigger mandate than ever. More here.
also, for those who say corbyn can’t win the general election, here’s one take:
“The reason Labour’s polling is so low but Corbyn’s so high is because, when the Tory Party was in total disarray and shock after the unexpected Brexit result, the Blairites decided to attack their own leader, like some insanely deadly auto-immune disease. The plan was to dump Corbyn and have a Blairite stooge cruise to victory but they took too long, were too obvious about it, and couldn’t decide which sock puppet to back. The thing Blairites fear most is that a socialist will lead Labour to victory and that will highlight that their Tory-lite policies lost them the last two elections.”