What an amazing day! This morning I went to the Douglas Hyde Gallery, near Trinity College, and looked at these simple yet intriguing paintings by Bill Lynch. Lynch applies oil paint directly onto the surface of coarse plywood and so the texture and history of the wood becomes an integral part of his work. There’s something light and gauzy about his paintings, a certain ease, but also something thoughtful and witty.
Later in the afternoon, the gorgeous Zoe Lawlor came over to Dublin and we met for the first time. What a treat! We went back to the Cuban place for some delicious food and talked about a million things. At the screening, I met the brilliant Betty Purcell, who moderated a thought provoking discussion by asking excellent questions, and Michael Mac Donnchadh who talked at length about the partition of Ireland. Also in the audience, Raymond Deane and Renate Debrun! We had met in Paris a couple of years ago and it was so lovely to reconnect. Finally, my beautiful cousin Shafaq Jamal and her daughter made it to the screening as well!
An important discussion about partitions and their colonial parallels and peculiarities, extremely sharp questions from an engaged audience, a full house in spite of it being a weekday and a dauntingly rainy one at that, fantastic friends and family who all came together, and new friends I hope to keep in touch with. Thank u Robert Navan and the Progressive Film Club for making this happen. This is my second (and definitely not last) time in the city. Love Dublin!