The protests at the University of Missouri have been growing for weeks, but a turning point came this weekend when African-American players on the school’s football team joined in. In a tweet quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the players wrote: “The athletes of color on the University of Missouri football team truly believe ‘Injustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere.'” They announced they will no longer take part in any football activities until Wolfe resigned or was removed “due to his negligence toward marginalized students’ experience.” The coach and athletic department soon came out in support. Dave Zirin: The number of African-American students at Missouri University, it’s roughly 7 percent. The number of African-American football players, we’re talking about 69 percent. So here they are at the fulcrum of the political, economic, social and psychological life of campus, but none of those billion-dollar gears move at all if they choose not to play. More here.