across the universe

April 1, 2010

This was my favorite, favorite song when I was 10-12 years old or so… Played it 100’s of times… It may sound strange, but it helped me a lot as a child. I learned from it!

what did u learn from it? it’s a beautifully written song. to me it’s about the vastness, the thrill, the possibility of the unknown – the limitlessness of time and space captured in a paper cup, a letterbox. the divine and mundane are one and the same…

I think, basically, just a deep sense that the universe might not simply be an endlessly vast, empty, uncaring, unfeeling, expanse of Cartesian space, but could instead be seen as something that’s alive, something that we are connected to, involved in, and participate in. Ultimately, personally, this sort of perspective eventually led me to Zen Buddhism; but back then, it was enough of a start for me simply to feel that I wasn’t utterly alone, as I often felt in school back then…

yes, that’s what i meant by the divine and mundane being the same. it makes the universe, the future, less intimidating. we can make it our own, capture it, connect to it, thrill to it. it’s amazing that u could understand that, even abstractly, at such a young age smile emoticon

Well, I probably couldn’t have put it into words very well back then–it was more of a feeling, and it was something I was looking for (needing), and not finding anywhere else around me… Good old mainstream U.S. Midwest culture… smile emoticon

miss u ryan. good luck on meeting the vastness of the universe. u were too fine for this world. may u find peace in the comforting arms of galaxies, in the generosity of infinite time and space.