A white lady’s identity issues

Madiha Tahir: Guys – I’ve tried to ignore it, but enough of this lunatic white lady’s identity issues, pls. There are interesting discussions to be had around race/performance for sure, but those nuances should not erase the evident racism of Dolezal’s gestures: suing Howard University for racial discrimination because she didn’t get a post allegedly for being white, appropriating the mantle of victimhood to get ahead and telling Matt Lauer on the Today Show that “overall my life has been one of survival, and the decisions I’ve made along the way, including my identification, have been to survive.” i.e. the appropriation of Blackness was a matter of survival.

Let’s get back to the discussions of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, #SayHerName and, oh yeah, that white guy who shot up a police station and didn’t get called a terrorist and the Black Muslim who got shot by the police and then smeared by the MSM as an ISIS radical.