Video: Black Lives Matter Delegation Visits Palestine

solidarity is beautiful!

A group of activists, artists, musicians and journalists on the frontlines of the struggle against racist policing in the United States traveled to Palestine earlier this month to build on the growing bonds of solidarity between the Black American and Palestinian liberation struggles, which have intensified since last year’s uprising in Ferguson, Missouri.

The historic delegation — which included lead organizers from Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter, Black Youth Project 100 and Hands Up United — spent ten days linking up with Palestinian activists. The group witnessed first-hand what it means to live under Israeli occupation and apartheid.
Since returning to the US, the group has released a powerful video of a flash mob demonstration it staged in Nazareth — a city in historic Palestine — in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against Israeli settler colonialism.
“We came here to Palestine to stand in love and revolutionary struggle with our brothers and sisters,” says journalist Marc Lamont Hill, kicking off the demonstration.

He continues: “We come to a land that has been stolen by greed and destroyed by hate. We come here and we learn laws that have been cosigned in ink but written in the blood of the innocent. And we stand next to people who continue to courageously struggle and resist the occupation, people who continue to dream and fight for freedom. From Ferguson to Palestine the struggle for freedom continues.”
With a drumbeat in the background, participants gather in a dabke circle as Charlene Carruthers, national director of the Black Youth Project 100, and Phillip Agnew, executive director of the Dream Defenders, perform a beautiful rendition of “Ella’s Song.” More here.