Band Aid Is Offensive

John Wight: The underlying problem afflicting Africa, and making it easier for horrible diseases such as ebola to spread and gain traction, is a simple and enduring one. It is capitalism. The non negotiable condition of the development of the northern hemisphere is the under development of the southern hemisphere, and until this changes Africa will continue to labour under the weight of economic exploitation and oppression. Band Aid reinforces negative stereotypes of Africa and Africans. It reflects a colonial mindset that is so deeply entrenched in Western culture that we aren’t even aware it exists. The sight of a bunch of rich pop stars parading themselves as paragons of virtue and heroes is crass and eminently offensive. While it may allow them to wallow in self congratulation and positive PR, it is paternalism of the most grievous kind. Solidarity demands a response that is rooted in challenging the political and economic status quo responsible for Africa’s under development and with it the ability of diseases like ebola to gain traction and spread. It does not equate to acquiescing in it with a charity song that jars with lyrics which objectifies and essentialises Africans as a homogenous mass of helpless and hapless children waiting to be saved by ‘whitey’. It denies Africans their own voice and in so doing undermines their dignity. More here.