went to see “a most wanted man” last night. went for philip seymour hoffman so didn’t read any reviews or do any research. if msm doesn’t do a good enough job for u, as far as stereotyping muslims and islam, then this is definitely the film to see. terrorism is articulated exclusively in terms of islam, the surveillance of mosques isn’t even an issue, safety lies in recruiting loyal informants inside the muslim community (and hugging them every now and then to prove western sincerity), a lawyer for asylum seekers is called a social worker for terrorists – she’s told not to spout nonsense about trampling all over the constitution because we are at war with a “nation” called islam, well-integrated tolerant muslim leaders are probably a front for al-qaeda (they fund “rockets” through their “charities”), finally, never have people praying in a mosque or at home looked as ominous as in this film. my husband has faith in le carré and tells me much of this is irony. yes, there is the pushy arrogant american official who lords it over her european counterparts, yes german intelligence is truly concerned about the insiders they use as bait in their entrapment schemes, yes the chechen youth is child-like and looks a bit like ryan o’neal (after he’s shaved his unkempt muslim beard), but seriously, when can we paint a religious or ethnic minority in such unidimensional, exotic and threatening colors (however ironic) and get away with it? the dehumanization project continues.