i have posted about this before but this is so important i would like to share another sensible voice making this sensible point.
Paola Bacchetta: I am writing this after being asked by many friends who do not speak French about the situation in France. Over and over again in articles in English, including otherwise well-meaning ones, we find the repetition of claims that in demonstrations in France pro-Palestinian youth of color have been massively shouting anti-Semitic slogans and attacking synagogues and Jewish businesses. In France these claims have been largely deflated and deconstructed with actual footage of the demonstrations and testimony by participants of all backgrounds that show that these claims are false and politically motivated. Anti-Semitism does exist in France and must be denounced and eliminated. However it is not youth of color who are primarily perpetuating it. To continue to claim this only deflects from white anti-Semitism, undermines pro-Palestinian struggle, and justifies ongoing racism and ultimately violence against youth of color and all people of color. In order to try to halt the racist demonization of youth of color I am posting information below. There is a rise of right-wing groups and right-wing thought in France at this time, making many categories of people into targets: youth of color, Roma, Jews, and more. Please see the interview below with the Rabbi of the synagogue of rue de la Roquette who states there was no attack on the synagogue by pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Please also see the footage of the demonstrations which shows the Zionist militarized Jewish Defense League attacking businesses, breaking everything and using the legs of broken outdoor cafe tables to attack pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Please see also the testimony of Michele Sibony, Vice President of the French Jewish Union for Peace, who participated in the pro-Palestinian demonstration and has explained all over French media that there was no anti-Semitism in it, and that she and her group were absolutely welcome in the demonstration. She also explains the political rationale behind accusing pro-Palestinian youth of color of anti-Semitism. After seeing these documents below please kindly refrain from contributing to the demonization of youth of color. Thank you.