thoughts about “the wolf of wall street”: (1) misogyny is as embedded in capitalism as it is in hollywood. the film could have been an hour shorter, easily, but it looked like marty and leo were having too much fun. (2) as repugnant as the so-called wolf might have been, it strikes me that it was precisely because he didn’t have the kind of “class” and “ivy league” network that guys at goldman sachs have, that he was rounded up by the FBI. it’s nice to have a story with a moral, where the flamboyantly bad guy gets his comeuppance but the wolf was a pip-squeak as compared to the big boys. he was able to smuggle $25 million into a swiss bank account? that’s a joke no? the AIG bailout alone was worth $182 billion. but that’s a class of criminals we don’t want to portray in film cuz frankly the script would be a dud: no sleazy-looking small-time crooks, no FBI agents, no retribution, no moral of the story. who’d wanna see that?