On 30 November, protests all over historic Palestine against the [Prawer] plan were met with Israeli police brutality and, according to eyewitnesses, unprovoked police violence, as I reported in a post earlier today. But Kershner [NYT] presents what happened as being the fault of protesters: “In scenes reminiscent of the Palestinian uprisings in the West Bank, protesters hurled stones at police forces, burned tires and blocked a main road for hours near the Bedouin town of Hura in the Negev. The police used water cannons, tear gas and sound grenades to disperse the demonstrators.” It’s hardly surprising that Kershner follows a purely official Israeli narrative, because she only quotes Israeli officials… This is not reporting. It is colonial propaganda. It is also not surprising given Kershner’s record of misleading reporting and her conflict of interest. As Alex Kane reported last year for the media accuracy watchdog FAIR, Kershner’s “husband, Hirsh Goodman, works for the Institute for National Security Studies as a senior research fellow and director of the Charles and Andrea Bronfman Program on Information Strategy, tasked with shaping a positive image of Israel in the media.” More here.