TENCERE TAVA HAVASI (Sound of Pots and Pans) / Kardes Türküler

Beautiful improvised song from the midst of the Taksim Square occupation, led by Kardes Türküler, a group dedicated to using music to “advance the ideals of common ancestry and celebration of diversity as a foil to cultural polarization and ethnic tension.”

More about the “pots and pans” theme:

“As I write this loud explosions are punctuating the call to prayer outside my window. People are shouting and screaming down the way. Our everyday soundtrack. I walk out onto the balcony. There are riot police all over the street. Then the old lady in the building next to me starts banging a pot, grinning. The police peer up at her. Then another pot is banged in the building across, then another. A young mother, high up, leans out her kitchen window. Then a young, smiling man leans from his. Another old woman. Bang, bang, bang. Soon it seems the noise is from everywhere, surrounding the officers like their noxious miasma has surrounded us for days. The message is clear: We live here. We are trying to live.”