Belén Fernández: One prominent reference is to late Hebrew University Professor Israel Shahak’s book, “Israel’s Global Role: Weapons for Repression”, which illustrates how “from Rhodesia to apartheid South Africa to the Gulf monarchies, Israel ties its interests not with the masses fighting for freedom, but with their jailers.“ Among previously affected masses was the population of Nicaragua, where, according to Shahak, Israel supplied 98 percent of the arms used by dictator Anastasio Somoza during the last year of his reign, when an estimated 50,000 were killed. Israel also armed South African jailers – the government as well as some of the Bantustan regimes – and offered to sell the country nuclear weapons. As the Guardian pointed out in an exclusive report on the subject, South Africa, in turn, “provided much of the yellowcake uranium that Israel required to develop its [own] weapons.“ More here.